DAIWA HB-1 PRECISION REEL OILER (64110100) Handy one drop lube in a convenient tube with a pocket clip and fits perfectly in your tackle...
OKUMA 27020343, 27020887, & 27020888 PINION GEAR (1270214102) ANNEXER II 10000, 12000, & 16000 APOLLO AP-65 & 80 AQUIOS AQ-65 AVENGER AV-65a, 65b, 80a, & 80b AVENGER ABF-65b &...
OKUMA 27020340, 27020868, 27020870*, & 27020876 PINION GEAR (1270212602) **Please examine the pinion gear you are replacing closely & compare it to the ones in the photographs as there has been some...
OKUMA 0910330 & 0910495 ONE WAY ANTI REVERSE BALL BEARING KIT *Please take note that this updated version is now more user friendly and also includes the #21056578 pinion bearing fixed plate. *Also please...